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Question Bunch I

Q1. Explain the differences between Server-side and Client-side code?
Ans. Server side code will execute at server (where the website is hosted) end, & all the business logic will execute at server end where as client side code will execute at client side (usually written in javascript, vbscript, jscript) at browser end.

Q2. What type of code (server or client) is found in a Code-Behind class?
Ans. Server side code.

Q3. How to make sure that value is entered in an asp:Textbox control?
Ans. Use a RequiredFieldValidator control.

Q4. Which property of a validation control is used to associate it with a server control on that page?
Ans. ControlToValidate property.

Q5. How would you implement inheritance using VB.NET & C#?
Ans. C# Derived Class : Baseclass
VB.NEt : Derived Class Inherits Baseclass

Q6. Which method is invoked on the DataAdapter control to load the generated dataset with data?
Ans. Fill() method.

Q7. What method is used to explicitly kill a user's session?
Ans. Session.Abandon()

Q8. What property within the asp:gridview control is changed to bind columns manually?
Ans. Autogenerated columns is set to false

Q9. Which method is used to redirect the user to another page without performing a round trip to the client?
Ans. Server.Transfer method.

Q10. How do we use different versions of private assemblies in same application without re-build?
Ans.Inside the Assemblyinfo.cs or Assemblyinfo.vb file, we need to specify assembly version.
assembly: AssemblyVersion

Q11. Is it possible to debug java-script in .NET IDE? If yes, how?
Ans. Yes, simply write "debugger" statement at the point where the breakpoint needs to be set within the javascript code and also enable javascript debugging in the browser property settings.

Q12. How many ways can we maintain the state of a page?
Ans. 1. Client Side - Query string, hidden variables, viewstate, cookies
2. Server side - application , cache, context, session, database

Q13. What is the use of a multicast delegate?
Ans. A multicast delegate may be used to call more than one method.

Q14. What is the use of a private constructor?
Ans. A private constructor may be used to prevent the creation of an instance for a class.

Q15. What is the use of Singleton pattern?
Ans. A Singleton pattern .is used to make sure that only one instance of a class exists.

Q16. When do we use a DOM parser and when do we use a SAX parser?
Ans. The DOM Approach is useful for small documents in which the program needs to process a large portion of the document whereas the SAX approach is useful for large documents in which the program only needs to process a small portion of the document.

Q17. Will the finally block be executed if an exception has not occurred?
Ans.Yes it will execute.

Q18. What is a Dataset?
Ans. A dataset is an in memory database kindof object that can hold database information in a disconnected environment.

Q19. Is XML a case-sensitive markup language?
Ans. Yes.

Q20. What is an .ashx file?
Ans. It is a web handler file that produces output to be consumed by an xml consumer client (rather than a browser).

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